const baseScript = `ClrHome 26->L 9->R R*L->P 0->G length(Str1)->D 1->S Lbl F For(I,S,D-L,L) If fPart((I-1)/P)=0 and I!=1 Then G+1->G Repeat ((K=24 or K=25) and I>P*2) or K=26 or K=34 or K=21 or K=105 getKey->K End If (K=24 or K=25) Then I-P*2->I G-1->G End If (K=21) Then W-1->W |LA(W)->N Goto S End ClrHome End Disp sub(Str1,I,L) End If D>I Then Disp sub(Str1,I,D-I+1) End Lbl E Repeat ((K=24 or K=25)) or K=26 or K=34 or K=21 or K=105 getKey->K End If (K=24 or K=25) Then If (G<=0) Then Goto E Else ClrHome (G-1)*P+1->S Disp sub(Str1,S,L) S+L->S G-2->G Goto F End End If (K=21) Then W-1->W |LA(W)->N Goto S End Lbl Q DelVar Str1 ClrHome "`;